Floor Maps

CWU Libraries Spaces

Come visit us at CWU Libraries! Below find helpful descriptions and links to floor maps of Brooks Library. Need help finding a resource? Check in with our main service desk on the first floor.

First Floor (image)

Points of interests include the main service desk, course reserves, computer lab, Jimmy B's, the Wildcat Pantry, and the Learning Commons.

Second Floor (image)

Areas include the Student Commons, the Fishbowl, Archives & Special Collections, and the Libraries administrative office.

Third Floor (image)

Quiet study floor. Areas include government publications, journals, magazines, maps, microforms, newspapers, and circulating books with call numbers A through J.

Fourth Floor (image)

Includes The Attic, children's & young adult literature collection, curriculum collection, the Freedman-Remak Student Athlete Academic Success Center, and circulating books with call numbers K through Z.